Marion County Fair announces Online Public Competitions and Virtual Fair!

Posted on June 17, 2020

Even though we can’t celebrate together, we’re still going to celebrate Made in Marion! Two specific areas of the fair have gone virtual so everyone can still participate.

Thanks to the OSU Extension, Marion County 4H and FFA youth who typically complete their annual projects with an interview, live showing, judging and the market auction have the opportunity to complete at least most of their year virtually. The 4H program has set up an online show and virtual auction. Participants are required to complete steps each year with their projects, which culminate in their displays, record books and interviews at the annual Fair. Many youth rely on the livestock market auction to help recover their investment. Thanks to the Marion County Jr. Livestock organization they will be selling their animals online. New this year will be a public bidding process, where individuals who may never have purchased an animal can participate. The group has assembled a plan to help newcomers go through the process. For more information go to

Public Competitions (once known as Open Class) is for everyone to participate for ribbons and bragging rights too. The Public Competitions area has grown in recent years – with many new participants in the hobbies area with Lego creations. Normally hundreds of contests are available through the fair; however, with the new challenges of online, streamlined categories include: Photography, Floral and Garden, Hobbies, Creative Arts, Textiles, Science, Foods (decorated), Table Decorating, Face Masks, Odd-shaped Veggies – and more. This year’s online contest will be easy to enter: just take a picture of your creation or project and enter online. Then, you can share your entry to have friends and family vote for you! For details on the online contests see: Entries are open until the end of June with the judging running from July 1 to July 12th. Winners are chosen based on votes and will receive passes to the 2021 fair!

Stay tuned on our Facebook for updates!

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