Oregon Reports 122 New Confirmed and Presumptive COVID-19 Cases, 1 New Death

Posted on June 17, 2020

PORTLAND, Ore. — COVID-19 has claimed one more life in Oregon, raising the state’s death toll to 183, the Oregon Health Authority reported at 12:01 a.m. today.

Oregon Health Authority reported 122 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. today bringing the state total to 6,218.

The new cases reported today are in the following counties: Benton (3), Clackamas (17), Deschutes (2), Jackson (2) Josephine (2), Klamath (3), Lake (1), Lincoln (3), Marion (17), Morrow (1), Multnomah (34), Polk (1), Umatilla (12), Union (2), Washington (22).

Oregon’s 183rd COVID-19 death is a 95-year-old woman in Clackamas County, who tested positive on June 4 and died on June 11. Her place of death is being confirmed. She had underlying medical conditions.


  • One case previously reported in Linn County was determined not to be a case; the county case count has been adjusted appropriately.
  • One case previously reported in Hood River County was determined not to be a case; the county case count has been adjusted appropriately.

OHA Releases Weekly Report

Today, OHA released its COVID-19 Weekly Report, which outlines data and trends on outbreaks and other epidemiological information collected over the last week. This week’s report shows that during the week from Monday, June 8, through Sunday, June 14, OHA recorded 898 new cases of COVID-19 infection, a 44% increase from the previous week. In addition, 16 Oregonians were reported to have died, compared with10 deaths in the preceding week. In that same week, the number of COVID-19 tests reported (24,708) increased substantially (35%) compared to the preceding week while the percentage of tests positive remained approximately the same (3.1% vs. 3.0% during preceding week).

In this week’s report there are several new figures (1, and 4 through 7) which shed light on additional trends. These depict weekly trends in reported COVID-19 cases by epidemiologic link to other known cases, age, sex, race, and ethnicity.

New outbreak reported

An outbreak of 20 cases of COVID-19 has been reported at Teeny Foods in Multnomah County. The case count includes all persons linked to the outbreak, which may include household members and other close contacts to an employee. The outbreak investigation started on June 8, but the initial case count was below the threshold for public disclosure.

State and county public health officials are working with this business to address the outbreak and protect the health of workers.

Medicaid Enrollment Report posted

This week, the Oregon Health Authority has begun posting a weekly Medicaid enrollment report. The report, which will be posted on Tuesdays on OHA’s COVID-19 page, lists the increase in Medicaid enrollment over the previous week, as well as the total increase since the COVID-19 emergency declaration March 8. This week’s snapshot shows that as of June 15, 2020, there are 1,149,620 members enrolled in Oregon Health Plan, an increase of 3,990 members over the past week (0.35%) and 70,007 members since the emergency declaration (6.48%). Please note that the chart marks snapshots of enrollment actuals produced every week. This data is preliminary and represents a point in time measurement of enrollment. It does not include retroactive eligibility changes. OHP data is finalized 90 days after the month ends to allow for retroactive enrollments.

Stay informed about COVID-19:

Oregon response: The Oregon Health Authority leads the state response.

United States response: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention leads the U.S. response.

Global response: The World Health Organization guides the global response.

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