Specialized DUII Enforcement Campaigns Make Safety Gains

Posted on June 30, 2020

Salem Police Dept. – 06/30/20 12:52 PM

Salem, Ore. — The Salem Police Department’s partnership with Oregon Impact and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will continue through the month of July. These ongoing projects to apprehend impaired drivers ahead of any potential serious or fatal crashes are crucial to the safety of community.

The traffic safety campaigns are grant-funded efforts of specialized patrols dedicated to looking for drivers under the influence of intoxicants.

The May campaign resulted in the following arrests and citations:

  • 32 arrests for DUII
  • One referral for minor in possession of alcohol
  • 32 citations for driving with a suspended license
  • 32 citations for seatbelt violations
  • 16 citations for distracted driving
  • 589 citations for speeding
  • 697 other traffic citations and warnings

LT Treven Upkes who oversees the focused enforcement program shared, “Every time we prevent an impaired motorist from driving on our city streets, we make gains for the safety of our community. Officers working these efforts are also able to address other traffic safety issues.”

The Salem Police Department is committed to keeping our community and roadways safe through traffic enforcement and education along with our partners at Oregon Impact and NHTSA.

Please do your part to keep Salem streets safe. Remember: Do not drink and drive. Wear your seatbelt whether you’re the driver or the passenger. Use a handsfree device when driving.

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