Oregon Reports 344 New Confirmed and Presumptive COVID-19 Cases, 0 New Deaths

Posted on July 3, 2020

PORTLAND, Ore. — The state’s death toll from COVID-19 is unchanged from yesterday and remains at 209, the Oregon Health Authority reported at 12:01 a.m. today.

Oregon Health Authority reported 344 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. today, bringing the state total to 9,636.

The new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases reported today are in the following counties: Benton (7), Clackamas (22), Clatsop (1), Columbia (3), Coos (1), Crook (1), Deschutes (9), Douglas (1), Jackson (9), Jefferson (5), Josephine (3), Klamath (2), Lake (1), Lane (16), Lincoln (18), Linn (2), Malheur (20), Marion (32), Morrow (10), Multnomah (59), Polk (5), Sherman (1), Tillamook (1), Umatilla (49), Union (8), Wasco (10), Washington (46), and Yamhill (1).

The Health Authority also released a table showing recent trends in cases by county between mid-June and the beginning of July.

These trends show where the COVID-19 virus is spreading at the fastest rate and which counties have the highest rates of “sporadic” transmission – i.e., cases that do not have a clear epidemiological link to other outbreaks or clusters of infections and therefore indicate that the virus is spreading uncontained in a community.

Governor Kate Brown identified eight counties that will be placed on a “Watch List” based on these data: Jefferson, Lake, Lincoln, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wasco. State and local health officials will closely monitor the situation in these counties in coming days and prioritize additional resources to suppress the virus in these hotspot communities.


Recent Data on COVID-19 Spread by County

(June 18, 2020-July 1, 2020)


  Case Count Case Rate / 100,000 population Sporadic Case Rate / 100,000 population
Clatsop 3 7.78 5.19
Lane 89 24.13 5.42
Columbia 5 9.83 5.90
Douglas 15 13.85 6.46
Jackson 46 21.47 8.40
Benton 17 18.94 8.91
Crook 2 8.95 8.95
Coos 9 14.22 11.06
Linn 28 22.79 13.02
Deschutes 54 29.89 14.39
Yamhill 35 33.71 14.45
Josephine 15 17.55 16.38
Klamath 55 82.94 16.59
Hood River 4 17.29 17.29
Baker 3 18.77 18.77
Tillamook 6 23.01 19.17
Polk 21 25.79 20.88
Clackamas 234 57.67 22.43
Marion 320 95.36 30.99
Washington 473 81.30 32.83
Multnomah 640 80.14 36.56
Wallowa 6 86.66 43.33
Lincoln 98 204.67 50.12
Wasco 33 127.58 50.26
Lake 13 165.75 89.25
Jefferson 53 229.01 116.67
Union 102 391.89 138.31
Malheur 98 322.04 193.88
Umatilla 413 537.08 313.40
Morrow 51 454.75 338.83


See the table below for total cumulative cases, deaths, and negative tests by county, as of July 3, 2020.


County Cases1 Total deaths2 Negative tests3
Baker 4 0 512
Benton 91 5 6,241
Clackamas 795 24 23,851
Clatsop 49 0 2,462
Columbia 35 0 2,824
Coos 42 0 2,745
Crook 12 0 1,078
Curry 8 0 722
Deschutes 201 0 10,994
Douglas 45 0 5,121
Gilliam 0 0 97
Grant 1 0 194
Harney 1 0 415
Hood River 88 0 2,379
Jackson 140 0 12,509
Jefferson 131 0 2,020
Josephine 44 1 4,319
Klamath 125 1 5,081
Lake 20 0 251
Lane 196 3 24,379
Lincoln 345 2 4,734
Linn 156 9 6,979
Malheur 160 1 1,698
Marion 1,595 47 17,381
Morrow 82 1 520
Multnomah 2,361 69 53,268
Polk 154 12 2,946
Sherman 2 0 149
Tillamook 13 0 1,359
Umatilla 667 4 4,071
Union 355 1 1,712
Wallowa 10 0 436
Wasco 85 1 2,253
Washington 1,491 20 33,807
Wheeler 0 0 122
Yamhill 132 8 5,467
Total 9,636 209 245,096

1This includes cases confirmed by diagnostic testing and presumptive cases. Presumptive cases are those without a positive diagnostic test who present COVID-19-like symptoms and had close contact with a confirmed case. County of residence for cases may change as new information becomes available. If changes occur, we will update our counts accordingly.

2For additional details on individuals who have died from COVID-19 in Oregon, please refer to our press releases.

3This includes cases who test negative and are not epi-linked to a confirmed case.

Stay informed about COVID-19:

Oregon response: The Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Office of Emergency Management lead the state response.

United States response: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention leads the U.S. response.

Global response: The World Health Organization guides the global response.

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