Oregon Reports 275 New Confirmed and Presumptive COVID-19 Cases, 2 New Deaths

Posted on July 10, 2020

PORTLAND, Ore. — COVID-19 has claimed two more lives in Oregon, raising the state’s death toll to 232, the Oregon Health Authority reported at 12:01 a.m. today.

Oregon Health Authority reported 275 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. today bringing the state total to 11,454.

The new cases reported today are in the following counties: Baker (1), Benton (6), Clackamas (11), Crook (1), Deschutes (8), Douglas (2), Hood River (4), Jackson (9), Jefferson (15), Josephine (2), Lane (10), Linn (3), Malheur (21), Marion (28), Morrow (3), Multnomah (37), Polk (3), Tillamook (1), Umatilla (51), Union (1), Wallowa (1), Wasco (5), Washington (44), Yamhill (8).

Oregon’s 231st COVID-19 death is a 62-year-old man in Union County who tested positive on June 16 and died on July 2, at Saint Regional Medical Center in Boise. He had underlying medical conditions.

Oregon’s 232nd COVID-19 death is a 99-year-old woman in Lincoln County who tested positive on June 26 and died on July 9. Location of death is being confirmed. She had underlying medical conditions.

Note: More details are available about Oregon’s 229th COVID-19 death. She is a 78-year-old female in Clackamas County who died on June 18 at her residence. The death certificate listed COVID-19 disease, or SARS-CoV-2, as a cause of death or as a significant condition that contributed to her death. No confirmatory testing for COVID-19 was performed, but this aligns with the CSTE probable case definition for a presumptive case, which OHA follows.

Social gatherings are increasing spread

Since Oregon began reopening, we have seen spread of COVID-19 when people get together to celebrate with family and friends. Some examples include:

  • Graduations
  • Birthdays
  • Weddings
  • Holidays

COVID-19 is spreading more among social activities involving groups of younger people. OHA has recorded outbreaks linked to:

  • Exercise classes
  • Fraternity party
  • Bachelor party

While it is difficult not to celebrate these events as we have in the past, COVID-19 is spreading in our communities and people must think hard about altering daily routines that may put people at risk.

OHA recommends that everyone:

  • Limit the size of our gatherings
  • Keep our distance
  • Cover our faces
  • Find alternative ways for those who are vulnerable to participate.

Modeling shows potentially steep upward trend

The newest modeling shows the continuation of a concerning trend of rapidly spreading COVID-19 throughout Oregon. Cases are rising at a rate so high, that even a 10 percent reduction in cases would not slow the rise in cases.

The bottom line is that the disease is spreading more rapidly than expected and that since reopening, Oregonians have not consistently modeled the behavior needed to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Three modeling scenarios all show rising cases.

  • The first scenario assumes transmission rates stay the same as they are now, with daily infections tripling over the next month and a similar increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations over the next 30 days.
  • The second scenario assumes a 10-percentage point decrease over the 30 days, slowing the growth of infection and cutting hospitalizations in half.
  • The third and final scenario assumes a 10-percentage point increase continuing over the next 30 days with a dramatic increase in daily cases and a sharp increase in hospitalizations.

In any scenario Oregonians must do more to flatten the curve of COVID-19 by taking the recommendations of health authorities. Limit the size of gatherings; maintain six feet of physical distance between people; wear a face masks; practice good hand hygiene and stay home if you are sick.

Stay informed about COVID-19:

Oregon response: The Oregon Health Authority leads the state response.

United States response: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention leads the U.S. response.

Global response: The World Health Organization guides the global response.

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