Oregon Reports 409 New Confirmed and Presumptive COVID-19 Cases, No New Deaths

Posted on July 12, 2020

PORTLAND, Ore. — The state’s death toll from COVID-19 is unchanged from yesterday and remains at 232, the Oregon Health Authority reported at 12:01 a.m. today.

Oregon Health Authority reported 409 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. today, bringing the state total to 11,851. Today’s high number is partially due to a transition to a new reporting system, which prevented the processing of positive cases for a few hours Thursday. Those cases are included in today’s case count.

The new cases reported today are in the following counties: Baker (2), Benton (6), Clackamas (29), Columbia (1), Coos (2), Deschutes (15), Douglas (2), Hood River (2), Jackson (5), Jefferson (4), Josephine (3), Klamath (4), Lane (13), Lincoln (1), Linn (2), Malheur (16), Marion (61), Morrow (7), Multnomah (99), Polk (2), Sherman (1), Umatilla (50), Union (1),Wallowa (1),  Wasco (10), Washington (55), Yamhill (15).

Since Oregon began reopening, we have seen spread of COVID-19 when people get together to celebrate with family and friends. Some examples include:

  • Graduations
  • Birthdays
  • Weddings
  • Holidays

COVID-19 is spreading more among social activities involving groups of younger people. OHA has recorded outbreaks linked to:

  • Exercise classes
  • Fraternity party
  • Bachelor party

While it is difficult not to celebrate these events as we have in the past, COVID-19 is spreading in our communities and people must think hard about altering daily routines that may put people at risk.

OHA recommends that everyone:

  • Limit the size of our gatherings
  • Keep our distance
  • Cover our faces
  • Find alternative ways for those who are vulnerable to participate.

See table below for total cases, deaths, and negative tests by county.


County Cases1 Total deaths2 Negative tests3
Baker 11 0 630
Benton 112 6 6,696
Clackamas 955 27 27,247
Clatsop 55 0 2,737
Columbia 48 0 3,241
Coos 54 0 2,997
Crook 18 1 1,179
Curry 9 0 782
Deschutes 252 0 12,400
Douglas 60 0 5,742
Gilliam 1 0 118
Grant 1 0 399
Harney 2 0 450
Hood River 104 0 2,687
Jackson 178 0 13,882
Jefferson 163 0 2,284
Josephine 57 1 4,934
Klamath 135 1 5,562
Lake 24 0 324
Lane 294 3 27,819
Lincoln 361 5 5,105
Linn 174 10 7,881
Malheur 302 1 2,078
Marion 1,831 53 20,029
Morrow 138 1 660
Multnomah 2,824 72 61,803
Polk 173 12 3,272
Sherman 4 0 184
Tillamook 16 0 1,558
Umatilla 987 7 5,184
Union 369 2 1,832
Wallowa 14 0 486
Wasco 116 1 2,488
Washington 1,815 20 38,976
Wheeler 0 0 124
Yamhill 194 9 6,562
Total 11,851 232 280,332

1This includes cases confirmed by diagnostic testing and presumptive cases. Presumptive cases are those without a positive diagnostic test who present COVID-19-like symptoms and had close contact with a confirmed case. County of residence for cases may change as new information becomes available. If changes occur, we will update our counts accordingly.

2For additional details on individuals who have died from COVID-19 in Oregon, please refer to our press releases.

3This includes cases who test negative and are not epi-linked to a confirmed case.

Stay informed about COVID-19:

Oregon response: The Oregon Health Authority and Oregon Office of Emergency Management lead the state response.

United States response: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention leads the U.S. response.

Global response: The World Health Organization guides the global response.

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