Construction Begins to Improve Amenities at Secor Park

Posted on July 15, 2020

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Salem, Ore. — Secor Park is getting a fresh look and additional features As a result, the park will be closed over the next 4 months.

Scheduled improvements include a new bridge across Waln Creek, a drinking fountain, new walking paths, new benches, and playground equipment. Updates will also include reconstruction of Rock Creek Drive S. and Stockton Ave. S. to improve accessibility to the park entrances. Funding for these first phases of upgrades comes from Parks System Development Charges and is part of the updated master plan approved by Salem City Council in Aug. 2019.

Secor Park is an approximately 8.5-acre park located in South Salem next to Crossler Middle School. The park is named after former South Salem resident, Ralph Secor, in recognition of his partial donation of land that helped establish the park in 1980. Since then, public input and neighborhood surveys have shaped the long-term vision for the shared outdoor space to include a community garden, woodland restoration, a pollinator garden, more mulched and paved paths, and habitat enhancements to ensure a 50-foot streamside buffer planted with native trees and shrubs.

The City has made a priority in developing park plans for Salem’s parks. Currently, Woodmansee Park, Bush’s Pasture Park, Deepwood Gardens, and Geer Park are in different phases of the improvement planning process. To keep up to date with other City park planning projects, subscribe to this email list.

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