OHA Announces New Mask Requirements Website

Posted on July 22, 2020

Face coverings, or masks, are now required statewide for all adults and starting Friday, July 24, for all children 5 and up, in all indoor public spaces and outdoors when physical distancing isn’t possible.

To help Oregonians understand the requirement, the Oregon Health Authority has created a website resource that aims to be a clearinghouse of the latest information about face coverings and masks, from requirements to FAQs to tips about how to effectively wear them.

Controlling the spread of COVID-19 in Oregon requires all of us to do our part. Emerging evidence shows that wearing a mask help can help protect you and the people you love from spreading and catching COVID-19. It’s an empowering way for each of us to protect our communities, our families and ourselves.

COVID-19 is spread by respiratory droplets when people cough, sneeze, talk, laugh or sing. Face coverings help contain those droplets. The virus can be spread by people who do not have symptoms and likely don’t know they are infected.

Properly worn, a face covering should cover a person’s nose and mouth and fit snugly against the sides of the face. Many types of face coverings can be used, including handmade cloth face coverings, scarves, bandanas, and more. They should be washed frequently after using.

COVID 19 is widespread in our state. All Oregonians can work together to flatten the curve and lower our risk of getting it or giving it to others by:

  • Covering our faces when six feet of physical distancing is not possible;
  • Avoiding large crowds and limit our social gatherings;
  • Washing our hands;
  • Staying home if we’re sick.

To learn more about face coverings and face masks visit healthoregon.org/masks.

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