Public Input Sought to Determine Future Management Practices of Bush’s Pasture Park and Deepwood Gardens

Posted on August 18, 2020

Salem, Ore. — The City is seeking public input to develop a community vision that will guide future management of Bush’s Pasture Park and the Deepwood Gardens.  While many portions of Bush’s Pasture Park and Deepwood are well-established with existing features that are not subject to change, the goal of the project is to produce a cultural landscape report that evaluates the historic landscapes; provides a community vision; and establishes objectives, policies, and priorities that will provide the basis for future management of these properties.

The first of three virtual open houses to solicit input from the public are open now and run through Sunday, August 30, 2020. At the first open house, you will be provided an orientation and asked for input that will help us understand what you know about the park, how you use the park, and what is most important to you about these places.

Bush’s Pasture Park (90.5 acres) and Deepwood Museum and Gardens (5.5 acres) are historic properties owned by the City of Salem and located near downtown Salem. The properties include historic buildings, historic landscapes and garden features, as well as important and culturally significant natural resources. Both properties are local and regional attractions. The unique cultural, architectural, and landscape history of the properties make them highly visible and valuable city amenities.

The City has made park planning a priority. Currently, Woodmansee Park, Bush’s Pasture Park and Deepwood Gardens, and Geer Park are in different phases of the planning process. To keep up to date with the Cultural Landscape Management Plan and other City park planning projects, subscribe to our email list. Parks planning processes are funded by Parks System Development Charges.


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