COVID Cases Continue Downward Trend

Posted on August 19, 2020

August 19, 2020

Oregon Health Authority issued its Weekly Report today, which showed during the week of Aug. 10 through Aug. 16, OHA recorded 1,963 new cases of COVID-19 infection—down from last week’s tally of 2,122. In addition, 31 deaths were reported, down from last week’s toll of 39. During that week the percentage of tests positive was stable at 5.4 percent, while new hospitalizations fell to 115 from 143 last week.

About two-thirds of cases reported contact with a confirmed case, most commonly from someone in their household. Outbreaks in care facilities and workplaces continue to be reported and investigated by local public health authorities. But a large number of new cases are “sporadic,” meaning that no source for the case was identified.

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