Marion County Sheriff’s Office Wildfire Efforts Evening Update, September 14, 2020

Posted on September 15, 2020

Marion Co. Sheriff’s Office – 09/14/20 5:54 PM

As we move into the evening, the evacuation levels continue to remain the same.  We have received some additional updates regarding various aspects of the Beachie Creek Fire that we are including below.

1. Current evacuation information for Marion County:






Mill City


North Fork Rd recreation area


Scotts Mills

Crooked Finger Rd and Moss Lane
To see current Marion County Evacuation Zones please visit:

If you happen to live in fire impacted areas of Linn County, updated evacuation maps can be found at:

2. Evacuation Update Level 3 Access for Animals/Livestock Update

We’re continuing to work with many partner agencies who are working on the wildfires impacting the Santiam Canyon. Due to the danger from falling trees, rock slides, and continued roadway hazards along Highway 22, access to the Level 3 evacuation zone for animal removal and feeding has been suspended. This afternoon officials from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Linn County Sheriff’s Office, Oregon Department of Transportation, Oregon State Police, and Marion County Board of Commissioners met to develop a plan to allow for safe access for residents to feed and care for animals. Once a finalized plan has been confirmed, we will share that information.

3. Pets and Livestock:

Marion County Community Services is coordinating animal care. Evacuees can get help and shelter for their livestock including sheep, goats, swine, horses, cattle, poultry, and domestic pets. Evacuees can stay with their animals on-site at the fairgrounds or drop off their pets and livestock where qualified staff and volunteers will care for the animals. While owner-care and feeding are preferred, volunteers are equipped to take care of pets and livestock in the barns if their owner is unavailable because of the wildfires.

No appointment is necessary, and people on site 24 hours a day, however, specific accommodations and special needs should be coordinated before arriving. Persons seeking animal respite should call 208-437-3002 to make arrangements.

Below you will find volunteer links for Horse, Livestock, and small animals. Please pay close attention to the job descriptions, Please only sign up in areas that you have experience. Most of these animals are not show animals and so as a volunteer you need to have an in-depth understanding of animals and their behavior.

  • Horse Area: MUST have horse experience. Some of these positions are adult –only, but the stall cleaning and feeding can be done by older youth.
  • Livestock Area: MUST have livestock experience. Some of these positions need to be filled by adults but cleaning, watering, and feeding can be done by older youth.
  • Small Animal Area:  MUST have small animal experience.

4. Mental Health Services available

If you’re struggling due to the impacts of the Beachie Creek Fire and other wildfires impacting our region, Marion County’s Behavioral Heath Team is available to help. They have teams on-site at the Oregon State Fairgrounds offering support to those who have been displaced. Additionally, the Psychiatric Crisis Center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help those experiencing a mental health crisis. Please call 503-585-4949 to speak to a team member.

This can also be an especially stressful time for youth who are directly impacted by the fires. Marion County Youth and Family Crisis Services are available to support youth up to 24 years of age who are struggling. The program can be reached at 503-576-4673.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is also available to provide free and confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for people in distress. Connect with the lifeline by calling 1-800-273-8255

5. Santiam Fire Animal Rescue

This group has a fully assembled team and they are doing a rescue in Mill City. They are able to get to locations up to Mill City if they are reasonably close to the main highway. Off the highway or farther east towards Detroit will be determined based on how the situation evolves. The link to the Santiam Fire Animal Rescue is If your animal is still in the evacuation zone for the Beachie Creek/Santiam/Riverside fire area please fill out a rescue/relief request form. They will do their best to connect your information with aid groups going into the affected areas. The link to the rescue/relief request for is:

6. How to support wildfire relief efforts

Marion County Emergency Operations is seeking more volunteers for the Wildfire Evacuee Center in Salem. Volunteers are needed for the phone bank at Marion County Public Works and the Oregon State Fairgrounds at the Jackman Long Building. Various jobs are available with staggered times between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., 7 days a week until further notice. After sign up, volunteers should report to their assigned locations in time for COVID-19 screening and check-in at the volunteer tables. Please visit

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