Marion County Sheriff’s Office Wildfire Efforts Evening Update

Posted on September 17, 2020

Marion Co. Sheriff’s Office – 09/16/20 7:00 PM

Earlier today, September 16, 2020, Scotts Mills saw their evacuation level reduced from Level 3 to Level 2. As we move in to the evening, evacuation levels continue to remain the same.

1. Current evacuation information for Marion County:





Mill City


Highway 22 east of Highway 226

North Fork Rd north of Highway 22



Mehama west of Highway 226

Fernridge Road west of Shellburg Creek Road to Basil Hill

Crooked Finger Rd and Moss Lane


Scotts Mills

Areas east of Meridian Rd, Davis Creek and Victor Point south to the Marion County line

To see detailed current Marion County Evacuation Zones please visit:

If you happen to live in fire impacted areas of Linn County, updated evacuation maps can be found at:

2. Community Safety and Security

We want to remind everyone that there continues to be road closures and there is increased presence of patrol deputies in the evacuated areas to be available for search and rescue needs to help prevent criminal behavior in the closure areas. No new arrests were made today.

3. Santiam Canyon Wildfire Relief Fund

The Santiam Service Integration Team, SIT, of Santiam Hospital has established the Santiam Canyon Wildfire Relief Fund to aid in the immediate relief efforts of those living in the Santiam Canyon who are affected by the 2020 Santiam Fire. The Santiam SIT program was established in 2017 to coordinate community providers and services to identify needs, find solutions, and avoid duplication of services. If you have been impacted please email“> or call/text 503-409-3652. For more information visit their website at

4.  Returning to Wild Fire Affected Areas.

Residents returning to fire damaged homes and structures need to take precautions. Hazardous materials as well as structural damage pose serious threats to your health and safety. It is strongly advised you take some basic safety measures when inspecting and cleaning up your home and property.

Please visit Marion County Emergency Management website for more information

5. Missing Persons

As of this evening the Marion County Sheriff’s Office has one remaining person reported as missing. To date, there have been four total fatalities in Marion County as a result of the recent wildfires. If you wish to report a loved one as missing, please contact our non-emergency dispatch at 503-588-5032.

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