Marion County Sheriff’s Office Wildfire Efforts Morning Update

Posted on September 19, 2020

News Release from Marion Co. Sheriff’s Office
Posted on FlashAlert: September 19th, 2020 9:09 AM

Marion County Sheriff’s Office Wildfire Efforts Morning Update, September 19th, 2020.

All evacuation levels continue to remain the same throughout Marion County. As a reminder, levels for the Cities of Mill City and Gates were reduced to Level 2 – “Be Set” as of 10:00 a.m. yesterday, September 18th, 2020. In a level 2 evacuation area, community members are permitted to return to the area, though they should remain prepared to evacuate should conditions change.

As access to these cities reopened, Highway 22 will remain closed between Highway 226 and Mile Post 29, near the west end of Mill City. The four mile section of Highway 22 between the cities of Mill City and Gates will be open for travel. Community members returning to Gates and Mill City will need to use the following travel route to access their residences and businesses:

– Highway 22 east to Hwy 226

– Hwy 226 turns into Lyons/Mill City Dr

– Lyons/Mill City Dr to SW Kingwood Ave

– Kingwood Ave to Gates School Rd

– Gates School Rd to E Sorbin Ave

– E Sorbin Ave to Highway 22

The Marion County Sheriff’s Office continues to work closely with fire officials, ODOT, Marion County Public Works, and other partner agencies to develop plans for the safe re-openings to the evacuated areas. Roadway, bridge, and culvert assessments continue to be under way by Marion County Public Works in the North Fork Rd corridor. We will share information about a timeline for the re-opening of the North Fork Rd corridor as it becomes available.

Current evacuation areas as of 9 a.m.

Level 3 – “Go”




Highway 22 @ Highway 226, east to Mile Post 29, including North Fork Road, Pioneer Road, and other roadways in this corridor.

The areas immediately to the north of the city limits of Mill City and Gates remain at a Level 3 – “Go” evacuation status. Road closures will be in effect on Carr Road, Hudel Road and Gates Hill Road north of the city limits

Level 2 – “Be Set”



Mill City


Fernridge Rd west of Shellburg Creek Rd to Basil Hill

Crooked Finger Rd & Moss Lane

Level 1 – “Ready”

Scotts Mills

Areas east of Meridian Road, Davis Creek, and Victor Point south to the Marion County line

To see detailed current Marion County Evacuation Zones please visit:

If you happen to live in fire impacted areas of Linn County, updated evacuation maps can be found at:

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