Annual Reports on Stormwater Management Plan and Stream Temperature Plan Open for Public Comment

Posted on October 8, 2020

City of Salem – 10/07/20 5:00 PM

Salem, Ore. — The City of Salem’s Stormwater Management Plan Annual Report and its plan to reduce stream temperatures are available for public comment through October 21, 2020.

In the Stormwater Management Annual Report, you will find information about daily actions performed by the City to care for the stormwater system and to help prevent pollution of local streams.

One example is that our street sweepers swept a total of 14,485 miles of streets; this number equals more than half the number of miles around the equator! The amount of debris swept off the road roughly equals the weight of 54 large gray whales and the volume of leaves collected could fill an Olympic-sized swimming pools with more leaves bursting onto the deck!

The annual report regarding stream temperature, called the Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Plan, documents the activities the City conducted to help reduce stream temperatures, including planting 2,404 native trees and shrubs along the streams at Orchard Heights Park and McKay Park.

The two reports document the City’s activities for fiscal year 2019-2020 (July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020). The annual stormwater management report is a requirement of the City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) MS4 Permit.

The MS4 Stormwater Annual Report and Total Maximum Daily Load Annual Report are open for a 14-day public comment period, beginning October 7, 2020, at 5 p.m., and closing October 21, 2020, at 5 p.m. Comments may be emailed to“> or mailed to Stormwater Services MS4 Comments, 1410 20th Street SE, Building No. 2, Salem OR 97302.

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