Temporary Street Closure on Chemeketa Street NE for Railroad Repairs

Posted on October 11, 2020

City of Salem – 10/09/20 1:00 PM

Beginning Mon., Oct. 12, 2020, at 7:00 a.m., Chemeketa Street NE will close to all traffic between 12th Street NE and 13th Street.  Local access will be maintained from 13th Street NE.  Bicycle and pedestrian detours will be in place. This closure is necessary for Union Pacific Railroad to complete repairs.  Chemeketa Street NE is expected to be open by Sat., Oct. 17.  Please use extra caution through this area through the week.

The  Current Road Conditions Map on the City of Salem website provides up to date information on scheduled or emergency road closures in Salem.  For additional information, please contact the City of Salem at 503-588-6311 or vice@cityofsalem.net“>service@cityofsalem.net.


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