Medicare Open Enrollment Begins Today: Changes are Coming and Help is Available

Posted on October 15, 2020

(Salem) – People with Medicare have until Dec. 7 to make changes to their health plans and prescription drug coverage to meet their health care needs for 2021. Medicare’s open enrollment period for 2021 benefits started today.

There are several changes for the 2021 plan year. They are:

  • 29 prescription drug plans
  • More than 100 Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, including a new Medicare Medical Savings Account MA option, available in all Oregon counties
  • Part D senior savings model for diabetic supplies
  • Acupuncture, telehealth, and other virtual services
  • End-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients can enroll in Medicare Advantage plans for 2021

Visit to find 2021 health and drug plans, compare coverage options, or estimate Medicare costs. For more details, check out the 2021 Medicare and You book or

The Oregon Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) program is available to help beneficiaries understand their options. To find free, local Medicare counseling help, go to or call 800-722-4134 (toll-free) to speak to a state-certified Medicare counselor.

SHIBA counselors can help Oregonians navigate the Plan Finder tool to enter prescriptions and compare the cost and benefits of individual drug plans, provide enrollment guidance, and answer any other questions related to Medicare benefits. All of these services are available remotely statewide to ensure the safety of both clients and counselors.

Find local help by calling 800-722-4134 (toll-free) or visiting


Oregon SHIBA is part of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, Oregon’s largest business regulatory and consumer protection agency. Visit Follow DCBS on Twitter: Receive consumer help and information on insurance, mortgages, investments, workplace safety, and more.

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