Marion County 2020-21 Property Taxes

Posted on October 19, 2020

News Release from Marion County
Posted : October 19th, 2020 10:53 AM

Marion County tax statements will be mailed Monday, October 19, 2020, and should arrive in property owner mailboxes shortly thereafter. Tom Rohlfing, Marion County Assessor, certified the 2020-21 Property Tax Roll on October 13, 2020.

As of the January 1, 2020 valuation date, the aggregate Real Market Value (RMV) of all property countywide increased by 4.87% from last year, to $53.15 billion. Real Market Value is the estimated amount in cash that could reasonably be expected to be paid for a property by an informed buyer to an informed seller.

Escalating values of residences and residential land located in cities and towns contributed to the increase, jumping the total RMV to $24.32 billion or 5.82% increase from 2019. The total value of rural property, including acreage homes, farms, and forest lands, also showed continued growth with a total RMV of $11.77 billion or 4.34% increase from 2019. Commercial and industrial properties have shown a slightly slower growth with a total RMV of $14.42 billion or 2.95% increase from 2019.

Due to Measure 50 benefits, some homeowners will experience much smaller tax increases than the preceding figures suggest. The typical unchanged home will experience only a 3% increase in assessed value no matter where they are located in the county. However, changes in tax rates due to new or expiring bonds will significantly affect owners in selected communities.

Assessed Value countywide grew by 4.21% to $27.62 billion, standing at just 51.96% of total Real Market Value. A big factor in the gap between market and assessed values, of course, is due to the Measure 50 limit of 3% annual growth in the Maximum Assessed Value of unchanged property. However, 13,293 properties receive sharply reduced assessed values and taxes due to farm or forest special assessment, and 17,681 properties receive full or partial tax exemptions. The city of Hubbard will see tax increases of about 9% due to new Hubbard Rural Fire Protection Local Option Levy.

Primary beneficiaries of Marion County property taxes are schools, the community college, and educational service districts receiving (46.13%) of the total. Other major recipients include cities (22.53%), Marion County government (17.30%), and fire districts (6.22%). Urban renewal districts receive about (3.29%). These percentages are similar to last year.

For the residents of the Santiam Canyon, please accept our deepest sympathies for the tragedies endured as a result of the Beachie Creek and Lionshead Fires. We know many of you have experienced great loss as a result of these fires. Marion County follows state law in tax assessment following damages by fire or Acts of God. Real market value of property affected by the wildfires will be reflected on property tax statements next year. People who have experienced a loss to taxable property will need to submit an Application for Property Tax Proration by June 30, 2021, to potentially get their current year property taxes prorated.

Mr. Rohlfing encourages property owners to promptly review their tax statement for accuracy. This includes checking for correct ownership, mailing, and location addresses. To aid with this, the Assessor’s Office provides a wide array of information on its website, including more detailed information about how each property is assessed.  The property records portion of the Assessor’s Office website allows you to search multiple ways, including a map search tool to help locate properties.

Taxes are due by November 16, 2020, to receive the 3% discount and avoid interest charges. Owners with questions, or who feel changes are needed, should contact the Assessor’s Office at 503-588-5144. Those who disagree with the Real Market Value placed on their property are encouraged to request a review prior to filing an appeal. If the property owner still does not agree with the value once the review is completed, instructions on the back of the tax statement describe how to appeal to the local Board of Property Tax Appeals, comprised of community volunteers.

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