Climate Action Plan Survey Open Through Nov. 4, 2020

Posted on October 26, 2020

City of Salem – 10/26/20 9:00 AM

They City of Salem is developing a Climate Action Plan for Salem and wants to hear from you.

The first community survey  is open for input through November 4, 2020. We hope you will share your views on Salem and your thoughts about climate change. As a member of the Salem community, your views are critical in determining a path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and in building a city that is resilient to climate change!

On Monday, October 12, 2020, Salem City Council set a climate goal as part of their continued commitment to climate action. The goal seeks a 50 percent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2035 and to be be carbon neutral by 2050. This goal sets the stage for climate action planning, a 16-month effort that will develop the strategies Salem can take to achieve the set goal. The planning process will also determine what alternate or interim goals may be set, the best actions to take to reach the goals, and how to track progress towards those goals.

The Climate Action Planning process will be guided by a 40-member community task force that includes three City Councilors, along with input from a city advisory group and community members like you. Input will be sought at each of the four “pillars” of planning: visioning, vulnerability assessment, strategy development, and implementation planning.  The final Climate Action Plan will be presented to City Council for adoption by December 2021.

If you are interested in keeping up to date with climate action planning, register for updates at

You can find more information on the Climate Action Plan web page.

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