Trevor Womack to Serve as Salem’s Next Police Chief

Posted on November 1, 2020

City of Salem – 10/31/20 11:58 AM

Salem, Ore. – Trevor Womack will be Salem’s next chief of police.  Mr. Womack, a Deputy Chief of Police for the City of Stockton, joins Salem’s Police Department effective December 7, 2020.  Womack joins Salem as the Police Department moves into the new Salem Police Station and is participating in an audit of community policing policies, procedures and programs.

“I offered the job to Mr. Womack because of his experience leading a police department comparable in size to Salem, his specific vision for engaging with all communities in Salem, his passion for service, and his strong desire to be here.  “Mr. Womack brings experience in building and maintaining public trust and police legitimacy in the 21st century. “said Steve Powers, Salem’s City Manager.

On October 30, 2020 the City of Salem invited two candidates to Salem to interview for the position of Chief of Police.  Community members submitted questions in advance for the live portion of the interview process.  Mr. Powers thanked the community for their participation.  “My decision was made after considering input from the community, law enforcement, and department director panels earlier in the process, Friday’s community session, and my one-on-one interviews.” You can view the live streamed October 30, 2020 community session with the candidates on YouTube here:

About Salem Police Chief Position 

The Chief of Police is responsible for all law enforcement activities within the city. The chief ensures the public safety needs of the community are met through law enforcement services and effective community partnerships which protect and improve the social well-being and security of citizens. The chief must deliver a timely, well-thought-out response to patterns of crime and disorder that threaten the peace and safety of our community. Details about the Salem Police Chief Vacancy and Job Announcement can found here.

About the Recruitment Process:

Chief Jerry Moore announced his retirement plans last year.  Last summer, we invited community input about priorities for Salem’s next Police Chief and qualities you would like the person to exhibit.  Earlier this year, we hired a national public sector recruiting firm to help with the recruitment.  More than 20 candidates made it through initial vetting.  A screening panel of community members, area law enforcement officials, and City leadership interviewed a diverse group of applicants and recommended extending interviews to two finalists, Trevor Womack and Malik Aziz. See more information about the candidates here:

Chief Jerry Moore will be retiring December 1, 2020.

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