OHA Posts Highest Weekly Case Count

Posted on November 4, 2020

he Oregon Health Authority released its COVID-19 Weekly Report today which showed that during the week of Monday, Oct. 26, through Sunday, Nov. 1, OHA recorded 3,542 new cases of COVID-19 infection—up 34% from last week’s tally of 2,642.

This is the second consecutive week daily case counts set a record high for the pandemic.

The number of newly tested Oregonians rose to 34,591 and the percentage of positive tests rose sharply to 8.4%.

Thirty-seven Oregonians were reported to have died in association with COVID-19—compared to 27 the previous week and 160 were hospitalized.

People aged 20 to 49 accounted for the largest percentage of infection at 56%, despite accounting for 39% of the total population. Persons under 30 accounted for 38% of the cases.

People over 80 accounted for 50% of COVID-19 associated deaths and people over 70 accounted for 74% of deaths associated with the illness.

Schools are not major drivers of COVID-19 spread across Oregon. Cases are appearing at schools because there is more community spread.

This week’s report reflects the statewide trend of sharply rising cases, with 13 schools providing in-school instruction that that had at least one case in a student or staff/volunteer that attended or worked during their infectious or exposure period.

As COVID-19 cases continue to surge, OHA reminds people to:

  • Wear a face covering
  • Keep physically distant.
  • Avoid large gatherings and restrict gatherings with people outside of your household.
  • Maintain good hand hygiene

Note: In today’s Weekly Report, all previously archived outbreaks at long term care facilities have been added to the long term care facility table of outbreaks. Archived outbreaks were previously removed from the table if 56 or more days have passed since the last case’s onset and archived in past Weekly Reports.

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