Alert for Downtown Salem, Threats of Vandalism and Property Damage

Posted on November 7, 2020

City of Salem – 11/06/20 5:00 PM

For Immediate Release
November 7, 2020
Alert for Downtown Salem, Threats of Vandalism and Property Damage

Salem Ore., The City of Salem has been alerted to credible information of activity today (Saturday) in or near Salem’s downtown with a high likelihood of vandalism and property damage. Police and the City is urging residents and businesses in our downtown to take precautions.

“Community safety is a top priority,” said Steve Powers, Salem City Manager. “We are getting this notice to our public as soon as we learned of the possible threats and have made direct contact with downtown businesses. Our police department has increased police officers for Saturday and activated our special teams.”

The City does not believe the groups who are planning to come to Salem are affiliated with any of our known community organizers.

The City will continue to post meaningful updates to its website at and through the Salem Police Department Twitter account.

Reports of suspicious activity or crime in progress should go to 9-1-1. Non-urgent calls can go to the non-emergency line at 503-588-6123, and press option 1 to speak with a call taker

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