OHA Updates Guidance for Quarantine

Posted on December 10, 2020

The updates to the new OHA guidance for quarantine follow the new CDC guidance. A person who has been exposed to the virus will need to quarantine if they have spent more than 15 minutes over a 24-hour period in close proximity (less than 6 feet away) with an infected individual. Quarantine means keeping someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others.

If a person has been near someone with COVID-19 they should stay home and at least 6 feet away from everyone, including the people they live with, for 14 days.

A 14-day quarantine is the safest option to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others. If the person has not had any symptoms, they may consider ending quarantine early:

  • After 10 days, without any testing, or
  • After seven days, if they have had a negative result from an antigen or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test that was administered less than 48 hours before they end quarantine.

If they choose to shorten their quarantine period, there is a small chance they may spread the disease to others post-quarantine so it is critical that they continue monitoring their symptoms for 14 days.

If the person does develop symptoms, they should continue to avoid contact with others and call their healthcare provider to discuss testing.

There were no updates to the isolation guidelines.

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