Has Your Power Power Been Out? Time to Think About the Safety of Your Food

Posted on February 16, 2021

Oregon Office of Emergency Management – 02/16/21 9:50 AM

Salem, Oregon — If you’ve had power outages due to the recent ice storms, it’s a good time to think about food safety. Oregon Emergency Management reminds residents that when your food has not been stored at the proper temperature, it can make you sick. Here are a few tips to help you know how to protect your health and your food.

  • A full freezer will hold the temperature for approximately 48 hours (24 hours if it is half full) if the door remains closed. If you have dry or block ice it may help keep your refrigerator as cold as possible if the power is going to be out for long time.
  • Digital, dial or instant-read food thermometers and appliance thermometers will help you know if the food is at safe temperatures. Always keep appliance thermometers in the refrigerator and freezer.
  • Never taste food to determine its safety! You can’t rely on appearance or odor to determine whether food is safe.
  • Keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to maintain the cold temperature. The refrigerator will keep food safely cold for about 4 hours if it is unopened.
  • Use a food thermometer to check the temperature of your food right before you cook or eat it. Throw away any food that has a temperature of more than 40 degrees Fahrenheit (40°F).
  • Always keep meat, poultry, fish and eggs refrigerated at or below 40°F and frozen food at or below 0°F. This may be difficult when the power is out.
  • Always discard any items in the refrigerator that have come into contact with raw meat juices.

To find more food safety tips, visit https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/HealthyEnvironments/FoodSafety/Pages/tips.aspx or contact your local public health office.

You can get this document in other languages, large print, braille or a format you prefer. Contact OEM Language Access Manager David Cardona at 971-719-1183 or email david.cardona@state.or.us. We accept all relay calls or you can dial 711.


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