Posted on March 4, 2021

News Release from Salem Health
March 4th, 2021 1:00 PM

(Salem, Ore. – March 4, 2021) – Kidney Care Physicians is Salem Health’s newest Community Connect partner, providing the independent physician practice seamless access to Epic, the health system’s electronic medical record.  Community Connect is Epic’s model for creating collaborative healthcare networks. It enables hospitals and health systems, like Salem Health, to extend Epic to community practices.

The integration across practices allows providers to see more information when viewing patient charts, such as clinical documentation and exams. Patients will benefit from having the integration of their medical information in Salem Health’s MyChart system. Through MyChart, patients can see medications, test results, upcoming appointments, medical bills, and correspondence with care teams all in one place.

“An integrated community health record creates a better experience and better outcomes for patients,” said Leah Mitchell, Chief Integration Officer, Salem Health. “Kidney Care’s mission aligns well with Salem Health’s mission to improve the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve. We are pleased to offer Community Connect to our health care partners to enhance patient satisfaction.”

Kidney Care Physicians was founded on the idea that early diagnosis, attentiveness to patients’ needs, and dedication to patient education will give a high quality of life to renal patients. Their mission is to provide a standard of excellence in renal patient care to improve the quality of life for its patients.

Kidney Care joins Community Connect as of Feb. 22. Salem Clinic became Salem Health’s first Community Connect partner in 2016 and Oregon Heart Center joined in 2018. Kidney Care’s two locations are now participating in Community Connect:  Salem Hospital, Building B, 875 Oak St., SE, Suite 5070, Salem, Ore.; and 550 Dietz Ave., NE, Keizer, Ore.

About Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics

Salem Health offers exceptional care to people in and around Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley. It comprises hospitals in Salem and Dallas, a medical group of primary and specialty care providers, plus other affiliated services. Visit us at; “Like” us on; follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @salemhealth; and view us at

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