Salem Health Administers 100,000th COVID Vaccine Dose on March 12

Posted on March 13, 2021

Salem Health – 03/12/21 1:00 PM

(Salem, Ore. – March 12, 2021) – Salem Health is celebrating giving its 100,000th COVID-19 vaccine dose, a milestone reached today. Salem Health administered the first vaccine on Dec. 17, 2020, when the first shipment of Pfizer vaccines arrived. Vaccinations began with its frontline healthcare heroes, and then transitioned to the opening the state’s first mass vaccination clinic at the Oregon State Fair & Expo Center on Jan. 7, 2021. Today’s celebration marks 61,000 first doses and 39,000 second doses.

“As the collective statewide effort reaches more than 1.2 million doses, we are proud to do our part to bring healing and put the pandemic behind us,” said Cheryl Wolfe, president and CEO, Salem Health. “We see hope, and even tears of joy, in our vaccine clinics each day as people receive their vaccination. It is a pleasure and a privilege to serve our community and the state, and we consider this some of the most important work of our careers. We plan to be here for Oregon until the entire state is vaccinated.”

The mass vaccination clinic vaccinated more than 8,000 Oregonians in the first four days in Salem. The vaccine clinic has rapidly evolved to add more functionality, capacity and access. Salem Health established a fast track line for individuals with mobility issues, and a separate, dedicated intake and mini-clinic for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities and other special needs. On Jan. 12, the National Guard joined the effort with more than 40 Guard personnel giving vaccinations and staffing other roles. Oregon Governor Kate Brown visited the clinic on Jan. 13, praising it as, “truly an extraordinary effort,” and one that she hoped similar clinics would replicate in other Oregon communities.

West Valley Hospital’s Polk County clinic opened on Jan. 11, and is now located on the campus of Western Oregon University in Monmouth. The West Valley Hospital clinic is in partnership with Polk County Public Health and provides more than 1,500 doses per week, as supply is available. On Jan. 28, Salem Health, in partnership with Marion County Health & Human Services, opened another clinic at Salem Health Medical Clinic – Woodburn, in part, to serve more members of the black, indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) community, as well as providing a North Marion County resource for those with barriers to travel to other sites.

About Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics

Salem Health offers exceptional care to people in and around Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley. It comprises hospitals in Salem and Dallas, a medical group of primary and specialty care providers, plus other affiliated services. Visit us at; “Like” us on; follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @salemhealth; and view us at

Salem Health’s vaccine clinics are located at the Oregon State Fair & Expo Center in Salem, West Valley Hospital’s Polk County clinic at Western Oregon University and Salem Health Medical Clinic – Woodburn. Visit for more information and to schedule an appointment.

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