Salem Health’s Mobile Vaccine Team is on the Road to Vaccinate Oregon

Posted on April 1, 2021

Salem Health – 04/01/21 9:28 AM

(Salem, Ore. – April 1, 2021) – Salem Health announces the Mobile Vaccine Team, a mobile vaccine clinic designed to reach underserved communities in Marion and Polk counties. The Mobile Vaccine Team focuses on equity in vaccinating Oregonians, prioritizing hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations, as well as those for which travel to one of the larger vaccine clinics is a barrier.

The Mobile Vaccine Team has brought the vaccine to food packaging plants; migrant and seasonal agricultural workers; churches, parishes and religious groups; senior living communities; homeless communities; and rural communities in Marion and Polk counties.

“From the beginning of the pandemic and the anticipation of a COVID-19 vaccine, we have committed ourselves and our resources to step forward and do whatever is needed to take care of our community,” said Cheryl Wolfe, president and chief executive officer, Salem Health. “After developing the state’s first mass vaccination clinic in January, we are pleased to add our mobile vaccine clinic program as another way to reach out to our community to bring health and healing. Our Mobile Vaccine Team is an integral part of our commitment to vaccinate Oregon.”

Salem Health conducts outreach to its community partners to help identify groups and locations best served by a mobile vaccine clinic coming to them. Since its first mobile vaccine clinic on March 18, the Mobile Vaccine Team has served more than seven groups including BrucePac in Woodburn; Meduri Farms in Dallas; St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Independence; Saint Edward Catholic Church in Keizer; houseless individuals temporarily sheltered at the Pavilion at the Oregon State Fair & Expo Center; and several senior living facilities in both Marion and Polk counties.

Rural communities hosting the mobile vaccine clinic include Jefferson – the first stop for the Mobile Vaccine Team in March – as well as vaccination events planned in Turner and Falls City in April.

“We are thrilled to partner with Salem Health by hosting their Mobile Vaccine Team in the Falls City Community Center and Fire Hall on April 9,” said Falls City Mayor Jeremy Gordon. “Salem Health’s commitment to reaching everyone in rural Polk County is greatly appreciated and will help ensure health and wellness in Falls City.”

The Mobile Vaccine Team administered more than 680 vaccinations in its first four days, at five locations, and has scheduled events into April to deliver more than 3,400 more doses.

About Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics

Salem Health offers exceptional care to people in and around Oregon’s mid-Willamette Valley. It comprises hospitals in Salem and Dallas, a medical group of primary and specialty care providers, plus other affiliated services. Visit us at; “Like” us on; follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @salemhealth; and view us at

Salem Health’s vaccine clinics are located at the Oregon State Fair & Expo Center in Salem, West Valley Hospital’s Polk County clinic at Western Oregon University and Salem Health Medical Clinic – Woodburn. Visit for more information and to schedule an appointment.

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