Grantees Announced for More than $40 Million in Emergency Solutions Grants to Prevent and Respond to COVID-19

Posted on April 5, 2021

Oregon Housing and Community Services – 04/05/21 1:53 PM

Oregon Housing and Community Services announces grantees to be awarded funds to help Oregonians experiencing homelessness and prevent housing instability. Mid-Willamette Valley Homeless Alliances will receive $5,519,336

SALEM, OR – Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) publicly announced awardees for the second round of Emergency Solution Grants-Coronavirus (ESG-CV2) at this month’s Housing Stability Council meeting. The ESG-CV funds are part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) and are being used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus pandemic among individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of falling into homelessness. This is the first time in state history OHCS allocated homeless response and prevention resources allocated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development through a competitive process.

“We know that during this crisis, too many Oregonians are falling into homelessness or living unsheltered,” said OHCS Executive Director Margaret Salazar. “This funding is historic because it will help rebuild lives, and because we are partnering with an array of diverse service providers that have trusted relationships with Oregon’s communities of color, so we can reach people hardest hit by the crisis.”

During the 2020 Special Session, given the magnitude of the ESG-CV resources and the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic, OHCS sought and received flexibility from the Oregon Legislature to allocate $42 million of ESG-CV to providers who had not previously been eligible under the House Bill 4304 (2020 2nd Special Session). These funds will be distributed by geographic Continuum of Care (CoC) region to ensure that projects meeting the state goals and priorities are funded adequately throughout the state.

“In the midst of this public health crisis, we must continue to be actionable and strategic in deploying solutions to address and prevent homelessness,” said OHCS Director of Housing Stabilization Andrea Bell. “Together with community partners we were able to be adaptive in leveraging dollars strategically for the greatest impact to provide critical services to those at the margins.”

A total of 58 applications were received from providers across the state. Applicants were required to meet the federal funding definitions and comply with the ESG Federal Grant Requirements to receive funding. After a rigorous review process, 36 applicants were notified that OHCS intends to award funds. Applications encompassed proposals for serving multiple population groups, including communities of color, veterans, women and families, youth, and include both community-based organizations and state government/local jurisdiction entities. Several applications are considered culturally specific providers, and many others provide culturally-responsive services per the definitions provided in the application.

“Wonderful news!” said Melissa Erlbaum of Clackamas Women’s Services. “Over the past year we’ve seen a drastic uptick in the need for lifesaving support services. Being able to participate in this funding opportunity will provide critical resources for the individuals and families we serve escaping domestic and sexual violence.”

These resources and partnerships will advance Oregon’s Statewide Housing Plan in providing critical services for people experiencing homelessness and addressing the disproportionate effects of COVID-19 on communities of color and other at-risk populations. The complete list of ESG-CV2 awardees is available below. Oregonians in need of assistance can contact 2-1-1 to be connected with local service providers.

Lane County $6,758,209

Do Good Multnomah $702,965

NAYA Family Center $357,000

NARA Northwest $794,000

WorkSystems $1,700,315

Human Solutions $189,468

Options for Helping Residents of Ashland (OHRA) $1,464,192

Hearts with a Mission $484,875

Maslow Project $242,000

City of Ashland $300,000

Community Alliance of Tenants $200,000

Bethlehem Inn $650,000

J Bar J $184,237

Thrive Central Oregon $841,496

Square One Villages $317,525

NeighborImpact $1,090,000

St Vincent de Paul $150,000

Mid-Willamette Valley Homeless Alliances $5,519,336

Easter Seals of Oregon $411,037

Mid-Columbia Community Action Council $3,123,616

Community Services Consortium $2,634,039

Yamhill Community Action Partnership $498,042

Community Action Partnership of East Central Oregon 1,048,000

Jackson Street Youth Services $369,503

Peace at Home $527,725

NW Coastal Housing $833,125

Albany Helping Hands $1,613,000

Operation Rebuild Hope $1,121,635

Onward Roseburg $202,760

Community Action Organization $2,411,800

Home Plate Youth $1,050,147

Boys and Girls Aid $230,886

Family Promise of Tualatin Valley $1,336,155

Clackamas Women’s Services $986,336

Clackamas Service Center $144,230

NW Housing Alternatives $105,757

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