OHA Offers Gift Cards for First Dose Vaccine on June 18 in Polk County; June 19 in Marion County

Posted on June 17, 2021

Salem Health – 06/17/21 1:06 PM

Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is providing $100 gift cards for first dose COVID-19 vaccines at two of Salem Health’s vaccine clinics. On Friday, June 18, $100 Safeway gift cards will be given to those who receive their first dose vaccine at Western Oregon University in Monmouth, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (walk-ins must arrive by 4:00 p.m.). On Saturday, June 19, $100 Fred Meyer gift cards will be given to those who receive their first dose vaccine at the Oregon State Fair & Expo Center in Salem, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Gift card supply is limited and will be offered only while supplies last on a first-come, first-served basis, for both walk-in and scheduled appointments at each location.

Both the Pfizer and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be offered at the two vaccine clinic locations on the gift card offer dates. Walk-ins are welcome at both locations or appointments may be scheduled at www.salemhealth.com/vaccine. A scheduled appointment does not guarantee receiving a gift card, which is dependent upon availability.

Pfizer is the only vaccine authorized for ages 12 to 17. Ages 12 and over are eligible to receive the gift card, with the appropriate vaccine parental consent (click here for Spanish versionfor those ages 12 to 14.

OHA is offering the gift cards to help boost the vaccination rate in Oregon, as the state works together to meet the vaccination goal. Once 70% of those age 18 and older receive a first dose vaccine, the Governor plans to lift many of the mask and social distancing restrictions in Oregon.

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