Oregon State Police is taking part in Operation Dry Water to Deter Boating Under the Influence

Posted on June 29, 2021

Oregon State Police – 06/29/21 9:24 AM

As boaters look forward to the 4th of July holiday, thousands of law enforcement officers across the United States will be on heightened alert looking for those violating boating under the influence (BUI) laws.

From July 2 – 4, 2021, the Oregon State Police along with our Law Enforcement partners throughout Oregon, the Oregon State Marine Board, and the U.S Coast Guard in partnership with the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA), will be participating in the national Operation Dry Water campaign.  Oregon Law enforcement agencies will be focusing on preventing incidents related to impaired boating and educating boaters about safe boating practices, including sober boating.

Alcohol use is the leading contributing factor in recreational boater deaths according to the U.S. Coast Guard 2019 annual report. Over the course of the July 4th holiday, The Oregon State Police will be working to increase public awareness of the dangers of boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs, for both operators and passengers.

“Boating under the influence continues to be a problem on our waterways. Each year we are faced with incidents and tragedies that could have been avoided if it weren’t for the presence of drugs or alcohol,” says Lt. Ryan Howell. As a part of the community ourselves, we want to ensure that recreational boaters, paddlers, and anyone enjoying our waterways have a safe place to spend their time. That is why the Oregon State Police is joining hundreds of agencies nationwide to do our part in keeping boaters safe and preventing incidents and fatalities related to boating under the influence.”

Operating a vessel under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal on all bodies of water and can lead to serious injuries, death, and legal consequences. In Oregon, it is illegal to operate a vessel with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher. The Oregon State Police reminds boaters to always boat sober and to wear a life jacket when on or around the water.

To learn more about Operation Dry Water visit operationdrywater.org  for more information about boating under the influence.

Participating Oregon Law Enforcement Agencies:

Baker County Sheriff’s Office

Benton County Sheriff’s Office

Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office

Clatsop County Sheriff’s Office

Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office

Jackson County Sheriff’s Office

Klamath County Sheriff’s Office

Lane County Sheriff’s Office

Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office

Linn County Sheriff’s Office

Malheur County Sheriff Office

Marion County Sheriff’s Office

Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office

Oregon State Police

Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office

Washington County Sheriff


Other Agency Partners:

USCG Sector Columbia River

USCG Sector North Bend

USCG Station Chetco River

USCG Station Coos Bay

USCG Station Portland

USCG Station Tillamook Bay

USCG Station Umpqua River

SCG Station Yaquina Bay

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