Violence Erupts at Tuesday Evening Protest Resulting in Two Arrests

Posted on July 14, 2021

Salem Police Dept. – 07/14/21 12:29 PM


DATE:     Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Salem, Ore. — Just before 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, between 50 and 70 people were in attendance for the protest billed as The Church at Planned Parenthood at 3825 Wolverine ST NE. Within the large group were approximately 20 individuals dressed in Proud Boys attire, apparently acting as security. Some of these individuals carried visible sidearms, paintball guns, bats and body armor.

At approximately 6:20 p.m., a group of about 40 counter-protestors arrived on foot carrying bats, paintball guns and armor.

Although these protests occur with some regularity, recently confrontations have escalated and a small group of crowd management-trained officers, known as the Mobile Response Team (MRT), actively monitored the situation.

An initial scuffle between opposing groups occurred early on, yet MRT officers were able to intervene to separate those involved. As the team became outnumbered, an emergency request for additional law enforcement  resources was issued. Other Salem Police patrol officers and Marion County Sheriff’s Office deputies quickly responded.

Minutes later, the two groups began to converge with the MRT officers placing themselves in the middle in an attempt to keep the groups separate. Individuals from each side refused to obey officer orders and continued to clash. Both groups sprayed chemical irritants at each other and the officers. To stop the continued physical assaults, MRT officers used two crowd control munitions along with a loud distraction device. No chemical agents were deployed by officers.

Tuesday evening’s actions resulted in the following arrests:

Shawn Christopher Alyn Davidson, age 30 of Salem, was arrested for the crime of disorderly conduct in the second degree.

Ricky Dale Clark, age 64 – Assault in the third degree, riot, disorderly conduct in the second degree and resisting arrest

Often during these dynamic situations, it is impractical to effect arrests at the time. As such, additional follow up investigations will be conducted.

Due to significant incidents in other parts of the city, including motor-vehicle crashes, a stabbing, menacing and fights with weapons, the Salem Police Department required the assistance from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office and the Keizer Police Department to assist with priority calls.

Our approach to protests and rallies has remained consistent. Regardless of anyone’s political affiliation or ideology, we make enforcement decisions based upon the neutral interests of public safety. Our priorities are to:

• Prevent or intervene in acts of violence and property damage.

• Keep opposing groups from converging to minimize risk of violence and best ensure community safety.

• Take proper enforcement action to address minor offenses when reasonable and appropriate.

• Ensure follow-up investigation to criminal behavior that was not immediately addressed.

For commonly asked questions about protests and assemblies in Salem, go to To learn more about the Salem Police Department priorities for demonstrations, rallies and protests, go to

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