City Council Puts 8.1 Million Toward Salem’s Sheltering Crisis

Posted on July 15, 2021

City of Salem – 06/15/21 4:30 PM

The Salem City Council will purchase property and distribute $8.1 million dollars of the City’s ARPA funds, adding 543 additional shelter beds and providing those in need with direct access to counseling and health services.

A portion of those funds, $3.5 million, will be used to acquire property for sheltering.  The remainder will help the City purchase additional outdoor shelter units, like those at the newly established pallet shelter community on Portland Road, and offer secure shelter through community partners at a navigation center for temporary stays, more managed safe sleeping sites across the City and, help to extend housing programs for medically fragile or disabled individuals.

Many of the programs mentioned above will be available as early as July 1, 2021, after the City adopts its budget, covering the financial plan to provide services to the Salem Community from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.

Addressing homelessness in Salem has been identified as a priority for funding and part of Salem City Council’s 2021 Policy Agenda which draws from Council and community-defined priorities in the Strategic Plan for 2021-2026. 

Other priorities include building great neighborhoods, taking action on climate change, increasing equitable delivery of City services, and creating community resilience in response to COVID-19 pandemic resident and business impacts.

To review a detailed breakdown of the City’s budget plans or how you can get involved in the City’s budget planning and approval process, visit the  Budget page on the City website.

Summary of ARPA Sheltering Considerations
Contribute to Hotel Purchase – $500,000
Purchase SE Salem Navigation Center Site  – $3,000,000
Extend Current Hotel Program – $172,830
Provide temporary shelter (former Union Gospel Mission location) – $1,921,460
Operate Portland Road Indoor/Outdoor Shelter – $575,000
Operate Civic Center-adjacent Safe Parking and Shelter: $540,000
Operate New Shelter Sites Indoor/Outdoor: $1,146,000

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