UPDATE – Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Keizer Police Department

Posted on August 1, 2021

Oregon State Police – 07/31/21 10:04 AM

The below are being identified as involved with the Officer Involved Shooting / Fatal Hit and Run incident in Keizer on July 28, 2021.

The pedestrian, Becky Dietzel (64) of Salem.

The six Keizer Police Officers:

Sergeant Kevin DeMarco with Keizer Police Department 14 years.

Officer Scott Keniston with Keizer Police Department 14 years.

Officer Michael Kowash with Keizer Police Department 3 years.

Officer Jeremy Darst with Keizer Police Department 3 years.

Officer Chad Fahey with Keizer Police Department 3 years.

Officer Cody Stupfel with Keizer Police Department 1 year.

The suspect, Sean Beck (47) of Oympia WA. is still being treated at the hospital.


On Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at approximately 8:40 P.M., Keizer Police Department Officers responded to a suspicious vehicle call behind a business at the corner of River Rd. and Dearborn Rd.

Officers contacted two adult males near the vehicle, which was determined to be stolen.   One of the males exchanged gunfire with officers and then fled in the vehicle. The other male stayed at the scene and was cooperative.

The male that fled went southbound on River Rd.  The vehicle struck a pedestrian which was crossing the street near the intersection of River Rd. and Cummings Lane.  The pedestrian sustained fatal injuries and was pronounced deceased.

Keizer Officers, with the assistance of Salem Police Department Officers, were able to get the vehicle stopped near the intersection of Cherry Ave. and Salem Parkway.  After a short standoff the suspect surrendered and was taken into custody.

He was transported to Salem Hospital with several gunshot wounds.

Six Keizer Police Officers have been determined to be involved officers and per standard procedure have been placed on administrative leave.

Per Senate Bill 111 protocol the Marion County District Attorney’s Office has requested Oregon State Police to lead the investigation into the officer involved shooting and the pedestrian fatality.

No further information is available for release at this time and names will be released when appropriate.


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