City Schedules New Disaster Preparedness Workshops

Posted on September 7, 2021

City of Salem – 09/07/21 1:00 PM

Join Greg Walsh, Salem’s Emergency Preparedness Manager, as the City of Salem resumes its free Zoom lunchtime series about steps you can take to prepare for disaster, starting Wednesday, September 8, at noon with Home Hazard Hunt.

Every other week, Greg will present 30 minutes on a different topic that can help residents be better prepared. All presentations start at noon on Zoom and YouTube. Topics:

  • Emergency Communications, September 22
  • Pets, October 6
  • Car Kits,  October 20
  • Shelter, November 3

Join Walsh on Zoom. We’ll use the same link for every meeting and you’ll be able to ask questions in the chat. We’ll also live stream to the City’s YouTube Channel.

During a major natural disaster, or regional emergency, emergency response teams may not be able to reach individual households for as much as two weeks. If Salem was affected by another major natural disaster, could your family survive for at least two weeks without assistance?

From earthquakes to floods, wildfires to personal financial crises, emergencies come in many forms, and often when you least expect it. Being prepared brings peace of mind, knowing your loved ones will be OK.

View past discussion topics here.

Learn more about Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness.


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