City of Salem Unveils Climate Action Plan, Public Comment Invited through November 5

Posted on October 18, 2021

City of Salem – 10/18/21 2:00 PM

The City of Salem invites the public to review and comment on a draft of the Salem Climate Action Plan. The plan is the result of a year-long process involving many stakeholders across the community. Its recommendations tackle climate change locally by proposing major changes in how we travel, design neighborhoods, and use energy, among other approaches to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, prepare the community for impacts, and ensure a transition to an equitable and climate-smart future. The plan is a roadmap to guide City and community action, including efforts to meet the City’s goal of reducing community-wide GHG emissions by 50% by 2035 (from the baseline year of 2016) and to be carbon neutral by 2050.

The public comment period is open for 18 days beginning on October 18, 2021, at 8 a.m., and closing on November 5, 2021, at 5 p.m. Comments will be accepted online at, by email at, and by mail to Salem Climate Action Plan Comments, 555 Liberty St SE, Suite 325, Salem,  Oregon, 97301-3515.

The draft Climate Action Plan can be found on the project’s website at the following address:

To measure the impact of local GHG reduction efforts, the plan forecasts future emissions with and without local action. The City and the project consultant, Verdis Group, are currently revising the GHG forecasts to ensure consistency with evolving state regulations and rulemaking, including DEQ’s new Climate Protection Program that seeks to limit emissions from natural gas. Revisions to the GHG forecasts will be included in the revised plan that goes to City Council on December 6.

To ensure you are notified of project updates, please register with the project at

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