Local Non-Profits and For-Profits Invited to Apply for Funds; Salem Federal Funding Applications Open Oct. 22

Posted on October 21, 2021

City of Salem – 10/21/21 11:00 AM

Salem, Ore. – Eligible non-profits and for-profits serving Salem residents are invited to submit proposals for City of Salem Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership, HOME American Rescue Plan (ARP), and the City’s General Fund programs. Applicable funds are for the 2022-2023 Program Year, beginning Jul. 1, 2022.

Funding priorities are based on the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and include: Supporting efforts to end homelessness, expand affordable housing, provide support for public service programs, enhance access to public facilities and promote economic development.

The amount of funding available by program:

  • CDBG                                                     $1,696,000
  • HOME                                                    $2,400,000
  • HOME ARP                                           $   552,000

Total Federal Funds Available:                        $4,648,000

  • City of Salem General Fund                 $ 400,000

Total General Funds Available:                       $ 400,000

The online application portal opens Fri., Oct. 22, 2021 and closes Wed., Dec. 22, 2021. Applications must comply with strict eligibility criteria. Applications sent by any method other than through ZoomGrants will not be accepted. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

The City will hold two virtual application technical assistance workshops to assist potential applicants in preparing applications and/or to answer questions. Interested persons need only to attend one session. Registration is not required.

Wed., Oct. 27, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84673483105?pwd=blBYZHRUeXYrWUhaT2h0ZVlNZDkxZz09  Meeting ID: 832 5607 6007/Passcode: 226220

Thurs., Nov. 18, 2021 at 9 a.m. Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84125440604?pwd=RFAyOTQ4clJ0YXY4SVRYZW8zKzVrZz09  Meeting ID: 843 8751 3710/Passcode: 710900

More about the funding sources:

Federal Community Development Block Grant Funding. The purpose of the CDBG Program is to benefit low to moderate-income households by funding projects that revitalize neighborhoods, increase affordable housing, expand economic opportunities, and/or improve community facilities and services.

Federal HOME Investment Partnership Funding. The HOME Investment Partnerships program funds a wide range of activities that build, buy, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent, or provide direct rental assistance to low-income people.

Federal HOME American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funding. The HOME American Rescue Plan program provides funds to assist individuals or households who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, and other vulnerable populations, by providing housing, rental assistance, supportive services, and non-congregate shelter, to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability across the country. These grant funds will administered through HUD’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME).

For more detailed information on HUD guidelines for CDBG and HOME funding, visit www.hud.gov.

City of Salem General Fund. The City of Salem provides funds to support activities that provide supportive services to low-income residents of Salem.

For any additional information, please contact Shelly Ehenger, City of Salem Federal Programs Manager, at sehenger@cityofsalem.net or 503-540-2494.

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Half Price Oregon
Day Heating and Cooling
Home Comfort
Day Energy
Home Fire Stove
Oregon Medical Centers
Old Mill Feed & Garden