Salem Seeks Alternative West Salem Site for Micro-Shelter Community

Posted on November 2, 2021

City of Salem – 11/02/21 12:00 PM

Salem, Ore – In West Salem, the proposed location for a new micro shelter community at 2400 Wallace Rd. NW (Park and Ride) will not move forward. The site is not feasible for micro shelter housing to serve those living unsheltered in our community.

The City initiated a wetland delineation study on the grassland portion of the site and found the grassland area has substantial wetlands. The City does not own enough space on the paved portion of the property to move forward with a micro shelter community at the site.

“We appreciate all those in West Salem who came forward with a willingness to help and we hope that help continues as we work to address this emergency,” said Jim Lewis, Ward 8 City Councilor.

The City of Salem is actively seeking locations to expand alternative shelter options. Suggestions for sites should be directed to

Keep up to date on City progress here.

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