Community Report Explores Progress on City Priorities

Posted on November 7, 2021

The 2021 Community Report, released today, looks at efforts over the past year to progress on five strategic priorities established through the City of Salem Strategic Plan:

  • Addressing homelessness,
  • Creating community resilience,
  • Increasing equitable delivery of City services,
  • Building great neighborhoods, and
  • Taking action on climate change.

These priorities were developed in response to the City’s current condition, including strengths, challenges, resident needs, and the wider cultural, political, and natural environment.

The Community Report offers examples of initiatives worked on over the past year to improve conditions related to the priorities. Examples include expanding availability of shelter options, COVID-19 funding for local businesses, creating more virtual City services to improve accessibility, an independent police performance audit, finalizing and beginning to implement the Our Salem plan over the next year.

The Report is one of the tools Salem City Council has available as its members begin to consider priorities for 2022. Council discussion on priorities for the upcoming year will begin at a work session on Monday, November 15.


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