Marion County Board of Commissioners Meets with City of Salem to Collaboratively Combat Homelessness

Posted on January 25, 2022

Marion County – 01/25/22 1:17 PM

SALEM, Ore. – Jan. 25, 2022 – Yesterday, the Marion County Board of Commissioners met with Salem Mayor Chuck Bennett and other city officials to discuss ongoing efforts between the city and county to combat the ongoing crisis of homelessness among residents.

Much of the discussion centered on securing a final $1.9 million in funding for a new low-barrier navigation center in the works in the City of Salem. The Board of Commissioners expressed interest in providing up to $3 million in federal funds to assist with the project and is continuing to work with the city on exploring additional avenues for funding. City officials are hopeful to have the navigation center operational in the summer of 2022.

“Many of the individuals experiencing homelessness in Marion County struggle with one or more issues that may prevent them from being able to qualify for stable housing,” said Commissioner Danielle Bethell. “Low-barrier housing that provides adequate resources and support to help these individuals rise above their circumstances are a fundamental piece of addressing the overall homelessness crisis facing our community.”

“The Commissioners and the Salem Mayor and officials came away with some really great goals and follow-up items. I am looking forward to our ongoing collaboration.”

For more information, contact the Board of Commissioners Office at (503) 588-5212 or email

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