Future ‘Village of Hope’ Location Chosen

Posted on February 3, 2022

City of Salem – 02/03/22 12:00 PM

Salem, Ore. — “Village of Hope,” a Micro-Shelter community operated by Church @ the Park, will move to a new site when its Portland Road lease expires in May. Of three sites identified by Salem City Council for future micro-sheltering, 1280 Center St. NE has been chosen for the “Village of Hope.” Funding for the other two sites has not yet been secured.

On January 24, the City Council approved the use of three sites, 1280 Center St. NE, the northwest corner of Front and Hood Streets NE, and 2410 Turner Rd. SE, for future micro-sheltering services.

The Center Street site was chosen first because of its proximity to services for shelter guests as well as providing the required parking space without needing to enter into additional agreements. Under the two-year lease, work at the site can begin right away, so that it can be ready when the current “Village of Hope” site closes. The new site will house 20 two-person micro-shelters that will be moved from Portland Road. An additional 20 two-person shelters will be funded by community donations. Total capacity is expected to be about 80 people.

As at previous sites, the City is contracting with Church @ the Park to operate the Center Street location. Their focus at micro-shelter communities is to provide a safe, sanitary and supportive environment for guests to take the next steps toward housing and employment.

Church @ the Park is offering opportunities to see new micro-shelter designs at Edomo, Inc., on Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m., starting February 9. They are also inviting community members to check out the micro-shelter site at Catholic Community Services on Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. To ask questions, or reserve your place in either of these events, email ilkamstra@church-at-the-park.org“>Aprilkamstra@church-at-the-park.org.

Micro-Shelter villages provide managed, temporary sheltering opportunities for people who are unhoused, combined with case management and outreach services designed to match individuals with resources. The City of Salem partners with area nonprofits to offer micro-sheltering services. Each location provides 24-hour security, on-site staff, restrooms, meals, peer support, and connections to local service providers and programs.

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