Oregon State Police is Seeking Your Help Identifying Person(s) Involved in the Waste of a Cow Elk in Polk County

Posted on February 17, 2022

The Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife Division responded to a report of a gut pile and a dead cow elk in rural Polk county on the Valsetz Main Line at mile 14.  Multiple people observed 2 subjects pulling out a cow elk on the afternoon of Friday, February 11, 2022.  Based on the evidence recovered at the scene, the subjects pulled one cow elk out of the clear cut and down the road away from the kill site, leaving the other cow elk to waste clearly visible from the Main Line.

OSP is urging anyone with information regarding this case to call the Oregon State Police Tip-line at 1-800-452-7888, *OSP (*677), or email at TIP@state.or.us Please, reference case number SP22037815.

***Report Wildlife and Habitat Law Violators***

The Oregon Hunters Association TIP reward offers preference points or cash rewards for information leading to an arrest or issuance of a citation for the unlawful take/possession or waste of Bighorn Sheep, Rocky Mountain Goat, Moose, Elk, Deer, Antelope, Bear, Cougar, Wolf, Upland Birds, Waterfowl, Furbearers, Game Fish and Shellfish. Cash rewards can also be awarded for turning in people who destroy habitat, illegally obtain licenses/tags, and for the unlawful lending/borrowing of big game tags.



* 5 Points-Mountain Sheep

* 5 Points-Mountain Goat

* 5 Points-Moose

* 5 Points-Wolf

* 4 Points-Elk

* 4 Points-Deer

* 4 Points-Antelope

* 4 Points-Bear

* 4 Points-Cougar



* $1,000 Mountain Sheep, Mountain Goat and Moose

* $500 Elk, Deer, and Antelope

* $300 Bear, Cougar, and Wolf

* $300 Habitat Destruction

* $100 Upland Birds and Waterfowl

* $100 Furbearers

* $100 Game Fish and Shellfish

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