New Tree Code in Salem Takes Effect March 16

Posted on March 12, 2022

If you are considering removing a tree from your property, you should know that the rules on the subject will change on March 16. Under the tree code adopted earlier this year, we’ve expanded what constitutes a “significant tree” that requires a permit for removal. 

None of the following trees may be removed without a permit:

  • Oregon White Oak of 20 inches or greater in diameter at breast height (dbh)
  • Other trees with a diameter at breast height of 30 inches or greater

Species excluded from the permit requirement are:

  • Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima)
  • Empress tree (Paulownia tomentosa)
  • Black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa)
  • Black locust (Robinia pseudoacadia)

Find more details of the changes on March 16

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