2022 Marion County Fair Call for Food Vendors Apply Today — Deadline March 25

Posted on March 15, 2022

Marion County – 03/15/22 4:34 PM

Salem, Ore. – The 2022 Marion County Fair will be held July 8, 9, & 10 at the Oregon State Fairgrounds in Salem. Food concessions at the Marion County Fair are a top priority for fairgoers, and traditional attendees look forward to them each year.

A food selection committee reviews the applications to select food vendors based on quality, fit, and unique menu offerings. The committee works hard to balance the slate of offerings for the success of all vendors. The deadline to apply is March 25.

Food vendor locations are placed at the fair in a “food row” or pod, for ultimate exposure.

In 2021, the Marion County Fair saw an explosion in attendance, breaking all records and enjoying a bounty of new faces. The 2022 fair is projected to enjoy a similar response and is preparing to handle larger than normal crowds. The Marion County Fair expects approximately 30,000 attendees over its three-day run. This fair is known for attracting families, and we are working to build a schedule so attendees spend longer at the fair. Attractions for “hands- on” experiences are paired with local- and national-level stage acts. Additionally, the fair offers local and regional activities and fun events that bring in new fairgoers and keep them at the fair longer.

Applications are available at: http://marioncountyfair.net/vendors/, in addition to information about the fair, rules, and procedures. You can also contact the fair office at marioncountyfair@co.marion.or.us, or call the fair office at 503-585-9998.

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