WorkSource Oregon Hosts April Job Fairs

Posted on April 6, 2022

The Oregon Employment Department and its WorkSource Oregon partners continue to help workers find good jobs and employers find talented employees. WorkSource Oregon centers across the state are offering job fairs and events across the state. Here are a few highlights of upcoming WorkSource Oregon hiring events:

  • Bend – “Spring Hiring Fair,” April 26, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at Troy Field
    More than two dozen employers from various industries throughout Central Oregon will be ready to hire at the “Spring Hiring Fair.” Job seekers and interested community members are invited to attend. They should bring resumes and expect to be interviewed on the spot by employers. Employers come from industries such as healthcare, construction, manufacturing, information technology, technology, public sector, education, and nonprofit.\


  • Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties – Virtual “Meet the Employer” 
    for the Oregon Department of Human Services, April 20, 12-1 p.m.
    The Oregon Department of Human Services is hosting a virtual “Meet the Employer” event. From entry level to experienced and supervisory-level jobs, the agency has a variety of positions open in its Self-Sufficiency and Child Welfare programs in Marion, Polk and Yamhill Counties, including office support, benefits and eligibility specialists, and case workers.


  • Medford – “Rogue Valley Careers in Gear,” April 27, 3-6 p.m. at the Jackson County Expo Center
    More than 100 local careers will be represented in the “Rogue Valley Careers in Gear” event on April 27. Employers will accept applications on the spot. Attendees are encouraged to bring their resumes and prepare for success!


The Oregon Employment Department (OED) is an equal opportunity agency. Everyone has a right to use OED programs and services. OED provides free help. Some examples are sign language and spoken language interpreters, written materials in other languages, braille, large print, audio and other formats. If you need help, please call 971-673-6400. TTY users call 711. You can also ask for help at

El Departamento de Empleo de Oregon (OED por sus siglas en inglés) es una agencia de igualdad de oportunidades. Todas las personas tienen derecho a utilizar los programas y servicios del OED. El OED proporciona ayuda gratuita. Algunos ejemplos son intérpretes de lenguaje de señas y lenguaje hablado, materiales escritos en otros idiomas, braille, letra grande, audio y otros formatos. Si necesita ayuda, llame al 503-947-1444. Los usuarios de TTY pueden llamar al 711. También puede solicitar ayuda en


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