Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council approves more BHRN applications for Polk & other Oregon counties

Posted on April 23, 2022

The Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council (OAC) has approved applications for drug treatment and recovery services in seven additional counties, bringing the current total to nine.

The actions are part of a continuing process to award approximately $265 million in funds to substance use treatment providers across Oregon.

“To see community members, lead the process of transforming Oregon’s system of behavioral healthcare into one that meets the needs of more people is truly inspiring,” said Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Director Patrick Allen.

“I appreciate the intensive effort of the OAC members and the OHA staff who have rolled up their sleeves and dug into the work to make change happen. Some might shrink at facing such a daunting task, but our collaboration with the Council is creating a new approach to treatment and recovery, that is exciting to see unfold,” he said.

OAC subcommittees have now approved provider applications for the following counties:

  • Baker
  • Benton
  • Curry
  • Gilliam
  • Grant
  • Harney
  • Morrow
  • Polk
  • Umatilla

More counties will be ready for approval this week.

A proposed calendar with an estimated time for applications to be reviewed by the OAC subcommittee can be found here.

Learn more about the approval process for Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRN) here.

OHA will offer a three-month extension to Access to Care (ATC) grantees through Oct. 1, 2022. The grantees will receive a pro-rated amount based on their prior award, bringing the total funds disbursed to $39.9 million.

These funds will prevent a lapse of funding or interruption of service for grantees while the OAC continues to review and approve applications.

Communication will be sent to the ATC grantees next week, outlining next steps.

“I’m excited to see the OAC moving forward with approving BHRN applications,” said OHA Behavioral Health Director Steve Allen. “I’m looking forward to the next steps in the process as OHA works with approved providers in each county – and as providers work with each other – to create a system of services that will transform Oregon’s response to addiction and recovery.”

To receive Measure 110 funding, successful applicants within each Oregon county must either be able to provide all the required services or work cooperatively with other providers to establish a coordinated network of services that include:

  • Screening and comprehensive behavioral health needs assessment
  • Individual intervention planning, case management and connection to services
  • Low barrier substance use treatment
  • Peer support, mentoring and recovery services
  • Housing services
  • Harm reduction intervention
  • Supported employment

In cases where all the required services were not available through the successful applicants within a county region, OHA will explore and bring forward recommendations to the Council on adding the missing services to establish a complete BHRN.

After the letters of intent to award are sent out, providers who are part of a BHRN collaboration within a county region must work cooperatively to establish Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) to complete establishment of a BHRN.

OHA will work to facilitate that process, while also working with each entity to finalize grant agreements for scopes of work and funding.

OHA will provide frequent updates on the application review, approval and agreement process.

What has been approved so far










Read more about Measure 110

Background: In November 2020, Oregon voters passed Measure 110, the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act of 2020, which became effective on Dec. 4, 2020, to better serve people actively using substances or diagnosed with a substance use disorder. In July 2021, the legislature passed SB 755, which amended the act and made it more feasible to implement.

People who provide drug treatment and recovery services and advocates for criminal justice reform wrote Measure 110 in response to the high rate of drug addiction and overdoses in Oregon, and the disproportionate impact of those outcomes on Oregon’s communities of color.

Their goal was to establish a more equitable and effective approach to substance use disorder. OHA is working with the Measure 110 Oversight and Accountability Council to develop a first-in-the-nation health-based approach to substance use and overdose prevention system, which is more helpful, caring and cost-effective than punishing and criminalizing people who need help.



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