OHA Adopts New Rules for Psilocybin Products, Testing, Training Programs

Posted on May 21, 2022

PORTLAND, Ore. – Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has adopted the first set of final administrative rules related to psilocybin products, testing and training programs. The rules were informed by public comments that are summarized in a Hearing Officer Report.

The rules specify curriculum requirements for programs planning to train people interested in facilitating psilocybin services in Oregon. With the adoption of these rules, the Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) at OHA will begin accepting applications for training program approval in June 2022.

The rules also specify requirements related to psilocybin products and testing. With the adoption of these rules, the Oregon Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ORELAP) will set up accreditation criteria for laboratories interested in being accredited before applying for licensure in 2023.

This summer, OPS will hold a series of public listening sessions for partners and the public to share feedback with the section. In addition, OPS will begin to accept applications from individuals who may be interested in serving on Rule Advisory Committees (RACs) that will advise OPS on additional rulemaking later in the fall. The fall rulemaking process will address the remainder of the rules necessary to begin accepting applications for licensure in 2023.

For the latest updates, subscribe to the distribution list at: oregon.gov/psilocybin


Everyone has a right to know about and use Oregon Health Authority (OHA) programs and services. OHA provides free help. Some examples of the free help OHA can provide are:

  • Sign language and spoken language interpreters.
  • Written materials in other languages.
  • Braille.
  • Large print.
  • Audio and other formats.

If you need help or have questions, please contact the Oregon Psilocybin Services team at 971-341-1713, 711 TTY, or OHA.Psilocybin@dhsoha.state.gov.

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