City of Salem Public Works Day is Back!

Posted on May 25, 2022

City of Salem – 05/25/22 11:00 AM

Come to Riverfront Park for the City of Salem’s Public Works Day on June 17, 2022, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Public Works services impact all Salem residents by building and maintaining streets and sidewalks, providing clean drinking water, maintaining parks, organizing recreation activities, planning and engineering services, treating our wastewater, and protecting the environment. To recognize the community, we are hosting our annual family-friendly event, Friday, June 17th.

Enjoy family activities including exhibits from divisions within Public Works:

  • Claudia the 29-foot Chinook Salmon
  • Activities for children of all ages
  • Water pipe repair demonstrations
  • See and sit in Public Works equipment on display, such as backhoes, plows, and dump trucks
  • Learn what the City is doing to protect Salem’s drinking water.

Bring your family to learn about what the Public Works Department and its employees do for you. There is no charge for attending, but canned food or cash donations to Marion-Polk Food Share are appreciated.

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