Oregon Employment Department Sets New Weekly Benefit Amounts for Regular Unemployment Insurance Claims

Posted on June 8, 2022

June 8, 2022 (Salem, OR) — Today, the Oregon Employment Department announced the new annual minimum and maximum weekly benefit amounts (WBAs) for regular unemployment insurance (UI). For new regular UI claims filed in Oregon on or after July 3, 2022, the minimum and maximum WBAs will increase by approximately 7%.

This increase will be a significant income boost for new claimants who receive the minimum or maximum WBA. During the most recent quarter, 15% of regular UI recipients received the minimum WBA, and 20% received the maximum WBA.

The 7% increase is the result of growth in Oregon’s average weekly wage during 2021. Starting July 3, 2022, the minimum WBA for new regular UI claims will increase by $12, from $171 to $183 per week. The maximum WBA for new regular UI claims will increase by $50, from $733 to $783 per week. Individuals who file new regular UI claims prior to July 3, 2022, will continue receiving the same WBA they had been receiving.

Under Oregon law (ORS 657.150(4)), the Oregon Employment Department recalculates the minimum and maximum WBAs for regular UI benefits annually. The department sets amounts as percentages of the average weekly wage earned by Oregonians. The minimum WBA is 15% of the average weekly wage, and the maximum WBA is 64%. Both dollar amounts are rounded down to the nearest dollar, as required by law.

For more information, visit OED’s regular UI benefits calculator.


The Oregon Employment Department (OED) is an equal opportunity agency. Everyone has a right to use OED programs and services. OED provides free help. Some examples are sign language and spoken language interpreters, written materials in other languages, braille, large print, audio and other formats. If you need help, please call 971-673-6400. TTY users call 711. You can also ask for help at OED_Communications@employ.oregon.gov.

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