YMCA of Marion and Polk Counties To Hold Groundbreaking for New 34-Unit Veterans Housing Apartment Complex

Posted on June 13, 2022

The YMCA of Marion and Polk Counties is breaking ground on their new 34-unit affordable housing building for Veterans. The groundbreaking is set for Wednesday, June 15 at 9:30 a.m. on the corner of Cottage and Court Streets in Salem. The official address is 220 Cottage Street, Salem.

Since March of 2019, the Y Veterans leadership has regularly convened a group of organizations passionate about veterans’ services to solicit feedback on the building design and the planned programs and services. This has led Y Veteran’s primary goal to design, build and operate a new 34-unit affordable housing complex in downtown Salem that will be called Courtney Place. It was Senator Courtney who successfully secured $7 million to help fund the affordable housing project. In addition, Senators Merkley and Wyden were able to secure $2 million in federal funds in 2022 to provide the final funding needed to fully fund the project. The total cost of the project is just over $9 million.

The Y Veterans leadership team is working to coordinate with other local nonprofit and government agencies so that when the doors of the new complex open, the veterans living in the new apartments will have access to supportive services to help lead successful, self-sufficient lives.

One of the unique benefits of the YMCA Veterans Housing is the colocation with the YMCA Flagship Facility, where all veterans in Y housing will have a free membership which provides potential employment and educational opportunities, access to health-related supports, opportunities to expand their personal networks, resource navigation, and childcare supports. Basically, the staff and volunteers of the YMCA will become a part of their extended family.

One of the main benefits of this building will be an on-site Resource Navigator who will be able to connect veterans to community resources. The Resource Navigator will connect veterans to employment opportunities, basic needs assistance programs, health care and other resources.

With construction starting on June 20, 2022, it is expected to take 14 months to complete the project.


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