Peter Courtney Minto-Island Bridge Closed July 10TH

Posted on July 6, 2022

City of Salem – 07/06/22 11:00 AM

The Peter Courtney Minto Island Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge in Salem’s Riverfront Park and Minto-Brown Island Park will be closed to the public Sunday, July 10, 2022, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. as athletes from around the world take part in this year’s IRONMAN 70.3 Oregon.

IRONMAN will host thousands of athletes as they compete in the more than 70-mile racecourse through the heart of Salem and the Willamette Valley. Family and fans are welcome to gather in Riverfront Park to cheer on participants as they compete in the all-day triathlon but will not be able to travel over the pedestrian bridge between the two parks. The bridge will remain closed to everyone except competitors, emergency personnel, and event staff.

Several road closures and lane restrictions will take place during the bicycle competition, where racers will travel from Riverfront Park on Front Street SE, Commercial St SE, Mission St SE, Saginaw St S, Owens St S, and River Road S towards the Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge and back. Signs are posted in the areas affected by the race course. Information has been sent to residents along the course of the potential impacts that may occur. Those with questions concerning race day road or park closures can reach out to the City of Salem’s Dispatch Center at 503-588-6311.

Salem and its partners in tourism, including Travel Salem, are proud to host Ironman 70.3 Oregon. Details about the course, including maps, can be found at Ironman 70.3 Oregon.

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