Introducing Website

Posted on July 14, 2022

Oregon Employment Department – 07/14/22 8:41 AM

SALEM – Paid Leave Oregon’s website is now at

Paid Leave Oregon is a new program that allows employees to take paid time off for some of life’s most important moments. It covers leave for the birth or adoption of a child, for serious illness or injury, for taking care of a seriously ill family member, and for domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or harassment.

Starting Jan. 1, 2023, most employees and large employers in Oregon will begin paying contributions toward paid leave. Employees will pay 60 percent, and large employers will pay 40 percent of the 1 percent contribution rate. For example, if an employee makes $1,000, the employee will pay $6 and the employer will pay $4. Small employers with less than 25 employees are not required to make payments.

Paid leave contributions will go into a trust fund, which in turn, will provide the revenue for employees’ paid leave benefits starting Sept. 3, 2023.

Information about benefits, contributions and more is on the new website at

  • Information for employers, employees and self-employed people
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Rules on how the program will work
  • Program resources and fact sheets
  • A “Get Involved” section with:
    • A calendar listing upcoming engagement opportunities
    • A request portal for the Paid Leave team to present to your business or organization
    • A contact form, where anyone can submit questions and receive a response within two business days. We encourage employers, employees and the public to use this form to contact us with questions.

The new site also has Google translate features, is more accessible, and is mobile friendly.

This winter, the website will relaunch in 11 languages with interactive tools for employers and employees, such as a benefits calculator.


The Oregon Employment Department (OED) is an equal opportunity agency. Everyone has a right to use OED programs and services. OED provides free help. Some examples are sign language and spoken language interpreters, written materials in other languages, braille, large print, audio and other formats. If you need help, please call 971-673-6400. TTY users call 711. You can also ask for help at

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